Zombies 2: Wolf Tales (stylized as Z-O-M-B-I-E-S 2: Wolf Tales) is a series of shorts revolving around Addison, Willa, Wyatt, and Wynter. The series takes place somewhere in Z-O-M-B-I-E-S 2, possibly before or after Call to the Wild was performed. It's a mix of animation and live-action scenes. It premiered on March 23, 2020.
- Meg Donnelly as Addison Wells
- Chandler Kinney as Willa Lykensen
- Pearce Joza as Wyatt Lykensen
- Ariel Martin as Wynter Barkowitz
Every episode opens with Addison asking important questions, but one of the werewolves changes the subject and instead tells a story of an event that occurred before they found out about Addison.
- The animation in the series has the same style as the film intros.