Zombies: The Re-Animated Series Shorts (stylized as Z-O-M-B-I-E-S: The Re-Animated Series Shorts) is a fantasy, musical animated television miniseries. The series was created by Aliki Theofilopoulos, Jack Ferraiolo. It was also executive produced by Gary Marsh, David Light, and Joseph Raso, with Melanie Pal as a producer and Leah Artwick as the supervising director and Rachel McNevin is the story editor. It is set as a hybrid show. The miniseries premiered on Disney Channel on July 21, 2023. It became available for streaming on Disney+ on September 27, 2023.[1][2]
The shorts, which keep the spirit and jam-packed music of the movies, find the friends encountering new monsters — a carnivorous plant monster, horrifying mega-cricket and even evil clones — while dealing with school and new experiences like a never-ending summer time loop.
Season 1[]
The episode list with confirmed titles and dates.
- 07/21/23 - Endless Summer (105)
- 07/28/23 - Solstice Slasher (101)
- 08/04/23 - Grill or Be Grilled (103)
- 08/11/23 - Cabin in the House (104)
- 09/01/23 - Suddenly Seabrook (106)
- 09/08/23 - I Think We're a Clone Now (107)
- 09/15/23 - Coach's Cat (108)
- 09/22/23 - Robot Space Bear (109)
- 09/28/23 - ZOMBIES Summer Mini Bites (Compilation) (##)
- 09/29/23 - Wynter Transport (110)
- 11/28/23 - ZOMBIES Halloween Mini Bites (Compilation) (##)
- 12/31/23 - ZOMBIES Mini Bites (Compilation) (##)
Unproduced episodes[]
- Summer Lovin' (102)
- Milo Manheim as Zed Necrodopolis
- Meg Donnelly as Addison Wells
- Trevor Tordjman as Bucky Buchanan
- Kylee Russell as Eliza Zambi
- Carla Jeffery as Bree
- James Godfrey as Bonzo
- Chandler Kinney as Willa Lykensen
- Pearce Joza as Wyatt Lykensen
- Ariel Martin as Wynter Barkowitz
- Terry Hu as A-Spen
- Jonathan Langdon as Coach
- Endless Summer
- What Are We Gonna Do Right Now?
- I Still See You
- This is the fourth media in the Z-O-M-B-I-E-S franchise.
- It is the second that isn't a feature film, following Addison's Moonstone/Monster Mystery.
- Meg Donnelly confirmed that the series takes place after Z-O-M-B-I-E-S 3.
- The episode titled "Summer Lovin'" was scrapped.
Character portraits[]
- ↑ Meg and Milo's EXCLUSIVE First Look at the NEW ZOMBIES: The Re-Animated Series | @disneychannel
- ↑ Get ready! Here's your first look at the Seabrook crew in #ZOMBIESReanimated. ZOMBIES: The Re-Animated Series Shorts premieres on July 21 on @DisneyChannel, and keep your eyes peeled for the full series, which will be here before you know it!